Pedram Pirghasemi
Pedram is a second-year pharmacy student in the school of pharmacy and biomolecular sciences in Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Along his academic life, Pedram also volunteers as a Young Leader in a youth work practice setting with Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI) where he helps at different events throughout the year, such as World Refugee Day, Football For Unity, SoccerFest and much more supporting young people from ethnic minority background. Pedram has recently received his Silver Gaisce Award and is currently working towards obtaining his Gold Gaisce Award with SARI.
Pedram is also really interested in research and have gained valuable lessons from experts in the field during the past academic year through various conferences and seminars as well as hands-on experience managing a research project both with Teenpath and RCSI’s research summer school learning about basic statistical analysis using software packages like Jamovi and Stata, retrieving information from scientific literature and transcribing number of stakeholder interviews.